Escape the Winter Chill and Feast at Cafe Sia this Festive Season!

As the festive season shimmers and the Isle of Skye glistens with winter frost, what better way to celebrate than by warming your soul at Cafe Sia? We’re throwing open our doors and inviting you to join us for a festive frenzy filled with delicious food, cosy vibes, and the crackling warmth of a real log fire.

Escape the winter chill and step into a haven of warmth. Our wood-fired pizzas are the perfect antidote to the crisp December air, offering a symphony of flavours that will tantalise your taste buds. Whether you’re a coffee connoisseur seeking a perfectly brewed cup or a cocktail enthusiast looking for a festive tipple, we have something to satisfy every craving.

And the festivities don’t stop there! From December 27th to January 7th, we’ll be serving up a selection of mouthwatering festive specials alongside our regular menu. So, whether you’re yearning for a hearty Christmas leftovers brunch or a light and refreshing post-walk lunch, we’ve got you covered.

Kickstart your day the right way! We’re opening our doors earlier at 10 am throughout the festive period, so you can fuel up for your winter adventures with a delicious breakfast.

Here’s what awaits you at Cafe Sia this festive season:

  • A crackling real log fire to keep you warm and cosy
  • Wood-fired pizzas bursting with flavour
  • A selection of festive specials to tantalise your taste buds
  • Coffee, cocktails, and a variety of other beverages to warm you up
  • Breakfast options available from 10 am, perfect for starting your day right

Don’t miss out! Gather your loved ones, escape the winter chill, and join us for a memorable festive experience at Cafe Sia! We look forward to welcoming you!